- Pens, Pencils, and Tools -

This section will give you an idea of things you could be using to draw your pictures. I don't really don't use anything fancy for drawing. So I'm just going to include some of the basic things I use for drawing. While all the special sets and gadgets might be fun to use, all you really need is a pencil, a pen, an eraser, and some paper.

Pencils -

Any pencil will do if you're just going to be sketching out a few things. But I do suggest a mechanical pencil with a comfortable grip. Unless you've been drawing all your life your hand will be cramping up, especially if its a thin pencil your holding. I use the blue one shown in the picture. Its just a cheap flimsy thing, but I've been using it for years. Replacement leads will eventually be needed. And a soft white eraser is a must.

Pens -

 Any regualr pen will work when inking your pencil drawing. 
Ordinary ball-point pens work well enough, although the the line is not as solid as you might want it do be.

I would not recommend gel pens as them tend to blot. Its hard to get a clean line out of them.
And the lines they make are pretty thick. But if they work for you, go for it. Find what works for you.

These are the finest pens I've come across so far. Maybe there are slightly finer ones, but these are the easiest to find. If your able to, I do suggest purchasing this type of pen. They are relatively expensive though. I picked up this pack of four for about sixteen dollars or so. The .1 pen costs about 5 bucks. They do work beautifully.

Pens like this are found in the drafting section of your local office supply retailer.

Rulers -

Any kind of straight or angular rulers always proves useful. You will find yourself using them time and time again. Other types of rulers, such as the bending and circular ones shown, can also prove useful at times.

Again, these are found in the drafting section at your nearest office supply retailer.

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 Now this mannequin of mine helped me out a lot when I was first starting out. It really helps you "see" the character in your mind in a more solid manner. I'm not sure how much they cost because I did get it a while ago. But I think they could be found fairly cheap.

Art Sets -

There are many types of art sets out there. I suggest you first evaluate your needs before purchasing any set. That being said, I don't think you can go wrong purchasing a good set of sketching pencils.

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